Three Glass LIned Reactors Dispatched
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Today, Standard Glass Lining Technology dispatched three CE Reactors to a client in the Pharmaceutical sector manufacturing glycerophosphates, bulk drugs and intermediates.

The range glass lined reactors comprised of a CE 8.0KL, CE 6.3KL and a CE 4.0KL designs and will complement the clients existing world class facilities during their planned expansion program.

Mr. Nagesh Rao, SGL Managing Director said, "SGL's glass lining technology is world class. The universal chemical resistant performance is superior to many alternate 3rd party options and this initially attracts clients to us. However, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service also and it is this, coupled with our product innovation that is a winning supply formula".

For further information about our products performance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Today, Standard Glass Lining Technology dispatched three CE Reactors to a client in the Pharmaceutical sector manufacturing glycerophosphates, bulk drugs and intermediates.

The range glass lined reactors comprised of a CE 8.0KL, CE 6.3KL and a CE 4.0KL designs and will complement the clients existing world class facilities during their planned expansion program.

Mr. Nagesh Rao, SGL Managing Director said, "SGL's glass lining technology is world class. The universal chemical resistant performance is superior to many alternate 3rd party options and this initially attracts clients to us. However, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service also and it is this, coupled with our product innovation that is a winning supply formula".

For further information about our products performance, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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