SGL's Unit 3 Manufacturing Facility is nearly ready
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Standard Glass Lining (SGL) is pleased to announce that they will take occupancy of their 3rd manufacturing facility (Unit 3) located in Hyderabad on the 1st August 2016.

The new 10,000sqft factory is sited on a 2 acre plot adjacent to SGL's Unit 2 facility in the Jeedimetla Industrial zone, Hyderabad, India.

Mr Nagesh Rao, SGL Managing Director said, "This extra manufacturing space is desperately needed for the company as it will further help fuel our high existing sales growth levels and aggressive expansion plans for the next 12 months".

For further information about how Standard Glass Lining Technology can provide you with world class products supported by exceptional levels of customer service, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Standard Glass Lining (SGL) is pleased to announce that they will take occupancy of their 3rd manufacturing facility (Unit 3) located in Hyderabad on the 1st August 2016.

The new 10,000sqft factory is sited on a 2 acre plot adjacent to SGL's Unit 2 facility in the Jeedimetla Industrial zone, Hyderabad, India.

Mr Nagesh Rao, SGL Managing Director said, "This extra manufacturing space is desperately needed for the company as it will further help fuel our high existing sales growth levels and aggressive expansion plans for the next 12 months".

For further information about how Standard Glass Lining Technology can provide you with world class products supported by exceptional levels of customer service, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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