15 Glass Lined Receivers - Pharma
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Today 15off Receivers models MSGL-1.0KJ (Capacity 1,000 litres) were dispatched for a finished dosage manufacturing facility supplying to controlled markets.

A regulated market or controlled market is a market where the government controls the forces of supply and demand. This type of market is common in some Pharma sectors.

The Standard Glass Lining Technology Receivers were of Carbon steel construction with glass lined wetted parts. If you have a requirement for pharma equipment, please contact us.


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Today 15off Receivers models MSGL-1.0KJ (Capacity 1,000 litres) were dispatched for a finished dosage manufacturing facility supplying to controlled markets.

A regulated market or controlled market is a market where the government controls the forces of supply and demand. This type of market is common in some Pharma sectors.

The Standard Glass Lining Technology Receivers were of Carbon steel construction with glass lined wetted parts. If you have a requirement for pharma equipment, please contact us.


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